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 Exclusive: How do I protect my account penetration of Skype  WZcFEt Exclusive: How do I protect my account penetration of Skype  5Vgike
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 Exclusive: How do I protect my account penetration of Skype  Emptyالخميس يوليو 30, 2015 3:40 pm
المشاركة رقم:


إحصائية العضو

عدد المساهمات : 1917
نقاط : 3831
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/07/2014
العمر : 39
الموقع : rachidslawi.blogspot.com
مُساهمةموضوع: Exclusive: How do I protect my account penetration of Skype

Exclusive: How do I protect my account penetration of Skype

 Exclusive: How do I protect my account penetration of Skype  Images%2B%25283%2529
Here are a few tips to help you to keep your Skype account secure:

If you notice suspicious behaviour on your Skype account or you think someone else might have your details, change your password immediately. To learn more about how to change your password, please see:
Disable Skype’s automatic sign in feature. To do this, first ensure that you have signed out of Skype. In the Welcome to Skype Sign-in screen that appears, uncheck

Sign me in when Skype starts.
Make sure that your PC’s security systems are running properly and are up to date. This will help to stop unauthorized third parties from using viruses or malware to steal your Skype account details.
Watch out for ‘phishing’ websites or strangers approaching you by email, instant message, SMS or on the phone (they may even pretend to be from Skype), especially if they ask you to reveal personal information, such as your password or your credit card numbers.
If you receive an email, instant message or SMS claiming to be from Skype that you suspect is fraudulent, DO NOT open any attachment, reply, or click any links. Our downloads and upgrades are only ever available on www.skype.com so you should never download anything from anywhere else.
When you use Skype on a public computer, be aware of the people around you when entering your personal details as they might be seen, and remember to sign out of your account and quit Skype completely when you have finished using it.
To find out more about how to stay secure, please visit:

المصدر: منتديات رشيد سلاوي

توقيع : rachid

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